Displaying items by tag: Snoezelen
Why this activity?
For elderly people babies create a special emotion. It stimulates memories and feelings from past times. It is an excellent method to make contact with your clients and to find an entrance into their experiences.
Complementary therapies have become more commonly used over the last decade and have been applied to a range of health problems, including dementia.
What is WorldWideSnoezelen.com?
WorldWideSnoezelen.com is an informative website about Snoezelen, Multi Sensory enviroment and sensory stimulation. The objective is to create a central information platform where you can find all possible information about Snoezelen from all over the world. The site is free for all users and makes searching for information on the application of sensory activation for different audiences easier.
Why WorldWideSnoezelen.com?
For over 25 years I am active as a occupational and activity therapist. Snoezelen as an approach I developed and applied for deep-demented elderly and children with mental disabilities, autism and / or severe learning difficulties.
In the last 15 years I provide many national and international workshops and lectures on conferences. All with the aim to let others learn from my experiences with Snoezelen. Gradually, it became increasingly clear to me that there are many people around the world achieve amazing results with Snoezelen. The number of clientgroups, for which Snoezelen as approach is applied, has increased dramatically in recent years.
But, to my great surprise ...... almost nobody knows what others do, learn, know, experience and apply. The result is that too many caregivers all over the world reinvent their own wheel again. This situation is not exactly helping the further development and application of the Snoezelen.
The cause
And the reason is clear; a lack of information and learning opportunities. This becomes more important since the call for scientific evidence of the effects of Snoezelen is getting louder.
The solution
And that's what I want to change with this website and platform, "learn from each other by sharing information with each other."
My mission and Worldwidesnoezelen!
It is my goal to promote and develop Snoezelen and sensory stimulation as a philosophy as much as possible around the world. I hope this contributes to the worldwide acceptance of the Snoezelen as an approach.
To this end, I would encourage others to share information, discuss and learn from others so that we can jointly develop the applications of Snoezelen. Not for the glory of ourselves, but for the benefit of all those patients who so deserve to live a more dignified life. It is our challenge to help them as much as possible.
I hope this website can help you in your own development and application of Snoezelen!
Also become an ambassador of Snoezelen!
With kind regards,
Ilse Achterberg
Occupational Therapist, Snoezel Trainer & Coach and Boardmember ISNA
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