Wet Snoezelen (5)

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De badkamer welke hier is afgebeeld staat in verpleeghuis Heijendaal in Arnhem.

This bathroom is placed in nursinghome Heijendaal in Arnhem, Holland.

Here you see the new hydrosound bath of Arjo placed in a Snoezelen bathroom at the Activity center Rondo in Almere, Holland. This publication is presentend in Dutch and English!

For this publication we thank Arjo for providing us the pictures.

Here you'll find new pictures of the Snoezelenpooll at Bloorview. They will give you a beautiful impression of how the Snoezelen is combined with water or swimming.


Our home-made Snoezelen Bathroom    (By Lenise from Israel)

I work in a school for multiple handicapped children twice a week. As all schools, there are different children with very different levels, both physical and cognitive. We have decided to build a Snoezelen for the children in the future, but meanwhile we had to come up with a good idea, which was cheap and quick and easy to make!

This article outlines the development of the Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre Snoezelen Pool program. It will also discuss the ongoing challenge to make this contribution sustainable. (For more details, please refer to: 'Snoezelen for people with sensory difficulties and restricted verbal abilities' by Lorraine Thomas, published in 'Snoezelen viele Lander - viele Konzepte, ISNA, 2002)