Samantha Wildschut

Snoezelroom Curitiba, in Brazil


Snoezelroom, Experia, made by Gareth Jones

Garethjones1 Garethjones2

Snoezelroom and a snoezel bathroom and a blacklight in a organisation for people with disability

Opmeer Opmeer1

Snoezelbathroom in Zaandam, The Netherlands


Zaandam1 Zaandam2

A new snoezelroom for people with mental handicaps in Belgium

belgie1 handicap belgie2 handicap

Snoezelroom, in Gaasenbeek Den Haag, Esther van Uden

Denhaag1 Denhaag2

Sensory Rooms Mexico Snoezelen, Fernando Loga Logas

Mexico1 Mexico2

This Snoezelroom, in The Netherlands, is specially made for clients with dementia

dementia2 dementia1

A Snoezelroom in a school for special education in The Netherlands 

special school1 Special school2

This is one of our Snoezelrooms in The Netherlands, in Goes. 

Goes1 Goes2

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