Ilse Achterberg

WorldWideSnoezelen is moving the snoezelenroom of Het SnoezelRijk. We have all brook it down for moving.

2013-06-019  2013-06-18 11.04.50  2013-06-18 16.28.02

2013-06-18 16.28.06  2013-06-18 16.28.12  2013-06-18 16.28.16  

We placed the equipment in Amsterdam

IMG 7452  IMG 7455

IMG 7456  IMG 7461

The rooms we have to furnish

IMG 7473  IMG 7475

IMG 7467  IMG 7478

IMG 7479  IMG 7491

We build up the new snoezelenrooms. The painter has paint the coridors and the two big rooms.

foto 1  foto 2

WorldWideSnoezelen gave a presention in Italy at Filocontinuo

Look for more of the presentation on youtube

Thanks for the inventation HC Engilab & Safe

De dochter van Ilse Achterberg is aan het snoezelen op Curacao.

The dauther of Ilse Achterberg is snoezelen on Curacao

WorldWideSnoezelen designing and setting a snoezelenroom at Gooizicht Hilversum

Background knowledge and application possibilities

1. What are aromas and what is aromatherapy?

Flavourings are natural substances that are formed by plants during photosynthesis. During the day they make plants under the influence of sunlight and water using chlorophyll (in the green leaves) sugars. During further processes more complicated structures and the glucose is converted to arise aromas.

Eindelijk een toegepaste serie dvd’s die u kunt inzetten bij activiteiten begeleiding, snoezelen, reminiscentie en andere vormen van belevingsgerichte zorg.

Ga naar voor alle informatie.

Zie hier de eerste trailers van de drie films

Here you find links to international Snoezelen contacts and national Snoezelen Associations.

If you or your association wish to be on this list or have suggestions to links that might be interesting to others, please contact us.

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