I'd wanted to make an outdoor pavilion tent for a long time and of course by the time I finally did it, summer was over.
NEW! WorldWideSnoezelen can print every picture in fluor colours. In the blacklight room the picture will light up. If you wear a special glasses the picture will come to life. The picture will be in 3D with that special glasses.
Put paper on a table. Take primairy colours and put them on a paper. Over the paint you put plastic. The children can rub on the plastic. The colours will change and if you take the plastic off you have a wonderfull painting.
Plak papier op tafel. Daarop doe je primaire kleuren verf. Leg er een stuk plastic over heen. Door het wrijven verschijnen er andere kleuren. Hlaa het plastic er af en je hebt een prachtig schilderij.
Make a puffy cloud with rainbow drops.
Maak een wolk met regenboogdruppels.
On WorldWideSnoezelen we add a new category in the archive. 'Do-It-Yourself' is trendy! You can find all kind of articles how to make sensory materials and to do activitys with your clients. Click here to go to the articles.
On 21th of januariwe had 47 nursingschool students visited The snoezelcentrum they ecperienced the rooms themselfs and offcourse we explained what snoezelen is.
'My sensory book' is published november 2008. Writen by Lauren H. Kerstein.
Hoe maak je gekleurde rijst voor sensorische activiteiten?
How to Make Color Rice for Sensory Play?
Hier is te zien hoe je makkelijk zelf een tactiel paneel maakt.
Here you can see how to make a tactile panel.