Ilse Achterberg

In a room illuminated only by a lightup ball pit, colorful tubes, fiber-optic ropes draped over a swinging chair and psychedelic patterns projected on the walls, 3-year-old A.J. Gaskin sprints from corner to corner, giggling with delight.

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In the late 1970's, two Dutch psychologists developed the idea of Snoezelen Rooms, initially as a therapy for those with learning disabilities. Over time this initial idea has merged with the use of a wide range of multi-sensory stimulation to provide special environments for people with a variety of disabilities, disorders and conditions including dementia, autism, intellectual disability, brain injury, chronic pain, and for those in palliative care. The terms Snoezelen Rooms, White Rooms and Multi-Sensory Rooms tend to be used interchangeably but, as the term "Snoezelen" is now a registered trademark of an English sensory equipment supplier, we prefer to use the name Multi-Sensory Room or Multi-Sensory Environment.

In mei 2014 heeft Ilse Achterberg van in samenwerking met Michele Shapiro uit Israël, in Kaapstad, Zuid Afrika een speciale training Snoezelen voor het de medewerkers van het Highlandshouse verzorgd. Het Highlandshouse is een verzorgingshuis voor dementerende ouderen en hebben recent een eigen nieuwe Snoezelruimte in gebruik genomen.


Volition is often referredd to as being the most inmportant subsystem in determining an individuel's engagement in occupation (Haglund & Kjellberg, 1999) Volition is defined as a collection of dispositions and self-knowlegde that predisposes and enables persons to anticipate, choose, experience, and interpret their occupational behavior.


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Multisensory environments are specially designed to enable individuals with learning disabilities to enjoy a wide range of sensory experiences. The author, a lecturer in occupational therapy, outlines the history and features of multisensory environments. Using two case studies, he illustrates how they can be used in successful therapeutic interventions. The article reviews the function of multisensory environments for children with learning disabilities.

Italian studentes from Sicilië with Giagomo and Enrico


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Abstract :

Are bright lights, perfumed air, coloured bubbles and soft music the answer to the  “apartheid” that people who have been described as having physical/learning disabilities/difficulties have been subjected to in Education and Community Living?


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What are the benefits of Multi-Sensory Rooms?

Bij een verzorginshuis in Huizen heeft WorldWideSnoezelen in samenwerking met hoveniersbedrijf Gé Leurs een prachtige belevingstuin ontworpen en geraliseerd. Zie hier het resultaat.

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