Displaying items by tag: dementia
Seit 1973 arbeitet Ad Verheul im Zentrum De Hartenberg, einer Organisation des 's Heeren Loo Zorggroep einen großen niederländischen Organisation für Menschen mit einen geistigen Behinderung und im besonderes im Bereich schwerst Mehrfachbehinderte Menschen.
Since 1973 Ad Verheul is working at the Hartenberg Centre, an institute for profoundly mentally retarded people. This Centre belongs to the 's Heeren Loo Zorggroep, a large Dutch organisation for the mentally healthcare.
In the 1970s, two Dutch therapists designed the concept of Snoezelen -- a unique room filled with sights, sounds and smells to stimulate the senses. The word is a contraction of the Dutch verbs "snuffelen" ("to seek out or explore") and "doezelen" ("to relax"). Jan Hulsegge and Ad Verheul originally developed the rooms for people with developmental disabilities. Since then, the rooms have grown in popularity and have been used to help soothe and calm Alzheimer's patients, premature babies, handicapped people and autistic children.
MIAMI (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- In the 70s, two Dutch therapists created Snoezelen, a multi-sensory stimulation room for people with developmental disabilities. Since then, these rooms have popped up all over the world. Studies have shown they help soothe and calm Alzheimer's patients, preemies, handicapped and autistic children. Now, researchers are looking at the rooms effect on children with brain injuries.
We were delighted to start off the New Year with the launch of our first training program on Snoezelen Controlled Multisensory Stimulation, in Miami. The course, which was hosted by the Trump International Institute of Continuing Education, has been an incredible breakthrough for all the people who will benefit from the innovative treatment.
Imagine being in a room with colored lights dancing across the wall and ceiling, the sounds of the sea playing in the background and the smell of lavender in the air.
Condell's Pediatric Alternatives in Creative Therapy (PACT), a physical rehabilitation program for children and teens, recently received a grant from Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana. The funds will be used to purchase equipment for a "Snoezelen Sensory Room."

Helping people with cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer's disease, dementia or a developmental disability can be a challenge for healthcare professionals, but area seniors residing at the Georgetown Assisted Living neighborhood of Keswick Pines Life Care Community in New Jersey now have an alternative means of therapy available. It is called the Snoezelen Program, a type of care that centers around a highly interactive therapy developed to decrease and relieve agitation, communication difficulties, combative and wandering behaviors, depression and other debilitating effects associated with Alzheimer's and other cognitive-impairments.
Why this activity?
For elderly people babies create a special emotion. It stimulates memories and feelings from past times. It is an excellent method to make contact with your clients and to find an entrance into their experiences.
Why this activity?
For elderly people babies create a special emotion. It stimulates memories and feelings from past times. It is an excellent method to make contact with your clients and to find an entrance into their experiences.