Displaying items by tag: academy
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Effects of a Snoezelen room on the behavior of three autistic clients
Here you see some beautiful examples of thematic Snoezelcorners
Hier enkele voorbeelden van prachtige thematische Snoezelenhoeken
Hello to all the readers of the Worldwide Snoezelen Website,
My name is Michele Shapiro. I am an occupational therapist working on a doctorate and have been very fortunate to have found the Snoezelen approach to therapy.
Voorbeeld Thematisch Snoezelen: Het Peuterproject
Op afdeling ..... wonen dertig demente ouderen die allen in een vergevorderd stadium van dementie verkeren. Dit betekent dat alle bewoners in hun eigen wereld leven en dat wij (zorgverleners) proberen binnen die wereld contact te maken met de bewoners. Dit contact maken gebeurt voornamelijk door middel van verbaal en non-verbaal contact en allerlei zintuigprikkelende materialen. Tevens wordt er ingespeeld op alle basisbehoeften die een mens heeft.
The European Championship 2004 Football in Portugal
Here you see an example of using an actual theme into Snoezelen activities.
For all his live our resident Mr.L is a fan of football (soccer). Especially when the national Dutch team was playing in international competitions. This year we used that theme to approach Mr.L in a different an suprising way. We created a scorelist of the results of the different matches and we transformed some parts of the livingroom into the orange colours of the national Dutch team.
Here you'll find more examples and pictures of Snoezelen rooms.
Do you have pictures of your own Snoezelen room?
Please send them to WorldWideSnoezelen.com!
In case you have pictures of your own Snoezelenroom we invite you to mail them to WorldWideSnoezelen.com. For you it is an opportunity to show the world what you are doing. For the visitors of the website it is the opportunity to get a global overview of all kinds of Snoezelen rooms.
People around the world will get inspired by your ideas!
So send your pictures to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in JGP format please)
Our visitors say thanks to your contribution!
Ilse Achterberg
The quality of the physical environment can impinge upon a child's learning and development directly. A well-planned environment can set the tone for what a child focuses on, and how the child plays and moves around. It can also contribute to a sense of emotional well-being.
Here you'll find examples and pictures of Snoezelen rooms.
Together with the many developments of Snoezelen as a therapy for more and more clientgroups, we find an increasing number of examples of Snoezelen integrated into the 24h care. This are often applications of Snoezelen outside the traditional Snoezelenrooms. Caregivers and therapists getting more aware about the fact that Snoezelen does not need to stop after leaving the Snoezelenroom.