1st Int.Snoezelen Conference by WorldWideSnoezelen.com at 3&4 Oct 2005 in Holland was a Major Succes

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The Worldwidesnoezelen conference was a major succes!

The conference "Snoezelen in Practise" at october 3 & 4 in Heel, Holland was a major success. Over 300 professionals participate the conference. Most handouts and presentations of the workshops and lectures are already online. Every day we will update this list for you.
We also will publish a online evaluation form this month.

Fotographs, reactions and handouts are now online!
We present you a complete foto impression of the conference at the website.
You can also read the incoming reactions and feedback about the confernce of participants and speakers. And most presentations and handouts of the conference are online now!

1. Click here for the pictures of the conference or Foto Gallery  
2. Click here for the reactions of participants and Speakers! (English & Dutch)
3. Click here for downloads of the presentations, handouts en material from the conference


Ilse Achterberg is opening her 1st Worldwidesnoezelen conference in Heel, Holland



Worldwidesnoezelen on Dutch Television

The Dutch TV station RTL4 was also present at the conference and made an impression what was broadcasted at october 4th at Dutch TV. Click on play to see it

Ook RTL4 was ook op de conferentie aanwezig.
In het programma "4 in het land" op 4 oktober werd er aandacht besteed aan de Snoezel conferentie in Heel bij Stichting Daelzicht.
Klik op play om de aflevering online te bekijken.





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