Thematic (7)

Onderstaand enkele foto's van snoezeltuinen gemaakt door The Sensory Shop in samenwerking met Greens and Garden. De projecten zijn uitgevoerd in opdracht van het televisieprogramma 'Je leven in de Steigers' van Talpa en van stichting Doe een Wens.

Below some pictures of Snoezelen gardens made by The Sensory Shop in cooperation with Greens and Garden. The project are constructed by order of the Dutch TV-program "Je leven in de Steigers' of Talpa and the foundation 'Do a wish'

Here you see some beautiful examples of thematic Snoezelcorners

Hier enkele voorbeelden van prachtige thematische Snoezelenhoeken

The Spiral Snoezel garden at Bloorview Macmillan Children Centre

By Shannon Crossman, Creative Arts/Spiral Garden

The Spiral Garden is a well-loved 21 year old integrated art, garden and play program located at the Bloorview MacMillan Children\'s Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Professional artists and musicians staff the program.

In this article we presented you some very beautiful and special close-up pictures of residents who are enjoy the Snoezelen/Sensory garden at the Sarphatihuis in Amsterdam (Holland).

Special thanks to Charlotte Bogaert Fotografie!

Voorbeeld Thematisch Snoezelen:    Het Peuterproject

Op afdeling ..... wonen dertig demente ouderen die allen in een vergevorderd stadium van dementie verkeren. Dit betekent dat alle bewoners in hun eigen wereld leven en dat wij (zorgverleners) proberen binnen die wereld contact te maken met de bewoners. Dit contact maken gebeurt voornamelijk door middel van verbaal en non-verbaal contact en allerlei zintuigprikkelende materialen. Tevens wordt er ingespeeld op alle basisbehoeften die een mens heeft.

A Garden as a 'Snoezelenroom'

For all of us a Garden is a fantastic place to be. Often the garden gives us silence, rest, the nice smel of flowers, the sounds of the bird. An excellent enviroment to bring in the Snoezelen approach. By creating or adapting a garden towards the theme of sensory stimulation you can create a beautiful external 'snoezelenroom'.

The European Championship 2004 Football in Portugal

Here you see an example of using an actual theme into Snoezelen activities.

For all his live our resident Mr.L is a fan of football (soccer). Especially when the national Dutch team was playing in international competitions. This year we used that theme to approach Mr.L in a different an suprising way. We created a scorelist of the results of the different matches and we transformed some parts of the livingroom into the orange colours of the national Dutch team.