Columns (11)
Atsuko Hashimoto
It is said that more than 400 places introduce and practice Snoezelen, as rooms in Japan. In our country, in 1990’s, Snoezelen has begun to spread out as a leisure for people with severely disability, but as therapy, these days.
In addition, the application to people with dementia begins to spread little by little.
As practitioners who wish to promote change for other individuals we must become conscious of the fact that our very presence is an element of change. We human beings are organisms that respond to change. We record, process, evaluate and possibly respond to our internal and external environment. We are monitors of change.
Als begeleiders van het Snoezelen die verandering bij andere individuen beogen te stimuleren dienen we ons ervan bewust te zijn dat onze eigen aanwezigheid al een vorm van verandering op zichzelf is. Wij mensen zijn organismen die reageren op verandering. Wij registreren, evalueren en kunnen mogelijk reageren op onze interne en externe omgeving. Veranderingen zijn van een mens af te lezen
"Snoezelen, where are we now and where do we need to go, ideas for the future"
Dr Pat Schofield
Column June 2005, Sari Hedman (Finland);Cherishing Senses at Riistavuori Elderly Services Center
Sari HedmanCherishing Senses at Riistavuori Elderly Services Centre
Sari Hedman, Master of Arts, Senior Activity Coordinator, City of Helsinki, Finland, Riistavuori Elderly Services Centre
Translation Mikko Savolainen
Column May 2005, What stories will be told in our five storeys? Lorraine Thomas, Canada (English)
Lorraine Thomas, Snoezelen Coordinator
Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre, Toronto, Canada
Column April 2005 of Gillian Hotz, PhD Director Neurotrauma University of Miami (English)
Gillian HotzThe Effects of Snoezelen Therapy in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury
Hello to all the readers of the Worldwide Snoezelen Website,
My name is Michele Shapiro. I am an occupational therapist working on a doctorate and have been very fortunate to have found the Snoezelen approach to therapy.
Snoezelen; You never stop learning!
Last week a reporter asked me:
"Snoezelen as a philosophy, that sounds like more than an activity alone. What is there so interesting, beautiful or special about Snoezelen that you call it a philosophy?"
To illustrate the heart of snoezelen you can compare it perfectly with watching your television. Of course you must consider your television as a synonym for the elderly people with dementia.