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Here you'll find more examples and pictures of Snoezelen rooms.
I invite you also to share your experiences with the rest of the world! Tell your story and inspire others! In case you experienced exciting, unexpected or just remarkable effects of snoezelen I invite you to share those stories with the rest of the world.
Do you have pictures of your own Snoezelen room?
Please send them to WorldWideSnoezelen.com!
In case you have pictures of your own Snoezelenroom we invite you to mail them to WorldWideSnoezelen.com. For you it is an opportunity to show the world what you are doing. For the visitors of the website it is the opportunity to get a global overview of all kinds of Snoezelen rooms.
People around the world will get inspired by your ideas!
So send your pictures to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (in JGP format please)
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Ilse Achterberg
The quality of the physical environment can impinge upon a child's learning and development directly. A well-planned environment can set the tone for what a child focuses on, and how the child plays and moves around. It can also contribute to a sense of emotional well-being.
Here you'll find examples and pictures of Snoezelen rooms.
July 22-25th, 2004: Beit Issie Shapiro Center for Children with Disabilities in Israel will be presenting a Basic and Advanced Snoezelen Training Course at the University of Miami, Florida. Instructors will include Michelle Shapiro, Mona Julius and Linda Messbauer (Lifespire) and Gillian Hotz, PhD.
The concept of multi-sensory therapy and environments is not new, with reports of sensory therapies being developed for those with severe cognitive deficits as far back as the 1960s. These constituted living-areas equipped with sensory materials selected to give visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, proprioceptive and possibly gustatory stimulation (Cleland & Clark, 1966). The aim of these areas was to facilitate choice and failure-free activity among a group of people for whom conventional leisure activity was unsuitable or difficult to facilitate. Cleland & Clark described these areas as "sensory cafeterias". This idea of a sensory environment has since undergone considerable development and its potential as a leisure resource has expanded to encompass a more therapeutic approach.
As long as clients are fysical capable a Snoezelroom is functional. But in case clients are getting ill and therefore fysical unable to be transported, the Snoezelenroom is no option anymore. For caregivers and therapist this can be a frustrating situation especially when Snoezelen was integrated into daily care.
Together with the many developments of Snoezelen as a therapy for more and more clientgroups, we find an increasing number of examples of Snoezelen integrated into the 24h care. This are often applications of Snoezelen outside the traditional Snoezelenrooms. Caregivers and therapists getting more aware about the fact that Snoezelen does not need to stop after leaving the Snoezelenroom.
This presentation is based on a literature review done for the purpose of developing a Snoezelen Assessment Scale for therapists and intervenors. It is a work in progress and something that I hope to share in full with other Snoezelen experts at a later date. The literature review does not focus on the efficacy of Snoezelen as a therapy since there are a number of research articles which have already identified some benefits to clients. Nor is it an attempt to analyze the merits of each and every research methodology used in the studies, since this has already been determined by various researchers such as Lancioni (2002) and Hogg (2001). Rather, it looks at the various measures used to identify which might be the most useful in developing the content of a Snoezelen assessment scale. For that reason, I have listed the sources although not all have been quoted. For a more detailed outline, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.