Authors & Publishers (41)

Newsletter: Snoezelen Sensations

Fall 2004, Volume 3, Issue 1
A publication of Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre

What's inside:

  • International Website aims to inform and educate;
  • A personal note of Lorraine Thomas and about the SnoezelenPool pg. 2
  • Snoezelen in the new building pg. 2
  • Making the connection: Bloorview Snoezelen reaches out to the community pg.3
  • How I chose Snoezelen or rather, how Snoezelen chose me! Pg. 4
  • International Snoezelen spotlight: De Hartenburg Centre pg. 5
  • Research & Milestones pg. 6

A practical book of sensory experience environments far the mentally handicapped

Papers from the 1 st GERMAN SNOEZELEN -CONGRESS 1999 and the 2nd SNOEZELEN -WORLD -CONGRESS 1998

A collection of reports of several institutes in the experience of Snoezelen with adult people and people with dementia.

A summary of the Snoezelenproject in the Kings Park Community Hospital in England . Snoezelen as a special therapy for people with dementia

Summary of the Snoezelenproject of the Whittington Hall Centre, an Institute in England.

A practical book for they who works with elderly people and Snoezelen.

Information about Multisensory Environments (MSE). Different issues and developments of Multisensory Environments.

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