Authors & Publishers (41)
Newsletter: Snoezelen Sensations
Fall 2004, Volume 3, Issue 1
A publication of Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre
What's inside:
- International Website aims to inform and educate;
- A personal note of Lorraine Thomas and about the SnoezelenPool pg. 2
- Snoezelen in the new building pg. 2
- Making the connection: Bloorview Snoezelen reaches out to the community pg.3
- How I chose Snoezelen or rather, how Snoezelen chose me! Pg. 4
- International Snoezelen spotlight: De Hartenburg Centre pg. 5
- Research & Milestones pg. 6
A practical book of sensory experience environments far the mentally handicapped
Papers from the 1 st GERMAN SNOEZELEN -CONGRESS 1999 and the 2nd SNOEZELEN -WORLD -CONGRESS 1998
Practicebook about Snoezelen with children
A collection of reports of several institutes in the experience of Snoezelen with adult people and people with dementia.
A summary of the Snoezelenproject in the
Summary of the Snoezelenproject of the Whittington Hall Centre, an Institute in
A practical book for they who works with elderly people and Snoezelen.
Information about Multisensory Environments (MSE). Different issues and developments of Multisensory Environments.
This baak gives information about how Snoezelen has started in the first "Snoezelhus" in Danmark.
General information about Snoezelen in 18 different countries: Snoezelen in Scientific research neurological backgrounds and practice
Information about Snoezelen with different goal groups: mentally ill people, for senior citizens, for violent adolescents, for hyperactive children, and many more. In the fjeld of education which is increasingly marked by aggression, overtaxing, lack of motivation and students' disturbed social behavior
The symposium aims at international exchange and a closer cooperation in order to obtain a scientific foundation and recognition of Snoezelen.
Since the introduction of the Snoezelen, or Sensory Environment, into the UK, there has been widespread interest within many aspects of health care, along with the expansion of its use within learning disability and mental health settings. The purpose of this book is to consolidate the experience and evidence collected by a number of users in the field who have pioneered the approach within their own specialist areas and many of whom are actively involved in the dissemination of the concepts through the Snoezelen World Wide Foundation. Each chapter therefore describes the application of Snoezelen environments in a particular field and the implications of setting up a Snoezelen facility, along with exploration of appropriate concepts and evidence collected from practice with guidance and recommendations for those who may wish to take on board the approach. The book is designed to provide a useful guide to anyone who may be considering setting up this facility within their own practice area.
General information about the origin, philosophy, theory, backgrounds and practice of Snoezelen.
An impression by a father and mother about Snoezelen and the experience of their profoundly mentally retarded son.